Refund Policy

    All course fees are fixed and are inclusive of VAT(20%) wherever applicable. Please be aware that we cannot offer any discounted rates for new or existing clients.
    All payments for SPMM Courses and materials must be made using a Debit/Credit Card via the website. The payment will appear as SPMM Course on your bank/card statement. When booking for face-to-face clinical courses (CASC champion, CASC weekend course, CASC Mock exams, BST, ST4 courses) please check with the us to confirm your reservation status before booking accommodation and travel. The automated email received only confirms your registration - not the availability of a place in the course. SPMM course will not be liable to refund accommodation/travel expense of candidates who do not follow these guidelines.
    If a refund (full or partial) is made after the purchase at any time, SPMM Course reserves the right to terminate the continued access of the user, unless a prior arrangement for continued access is agreed with the user.