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Clinical Courses
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At SPMM, we have immense experience in conducting clinical practice courses tailored to the needs of candidates; we have put together a comprehensive training package to ace your clinical exam!
CASC weekend course
provides essential practice for anyone sitting the CASC exams (2-day course). In this course the candidates will get an opportunity to practice 60 exam stations (30 stations on day 1 and 30 stations on day 2) with professional role players and experienced examiners who can offer constructive and structured feedback. Both oral & written feedback will be provided for each station. Each will perform 12 stations and observe another 48 stations. Printed course materials for all stations (Instructions to candidates, case synopsis, feedback forms with competency domains, and study materials) will be provided on the day of the course. Materials are updated after every exam. Only college exam stations will be practiced. The course aims to offer excellent guidance for passing the CASC and is ideal for candidates sitting the CASC examination.
CASC Mock exam
is a really useful way to put what you have learnt to the test, and to highlight any weak spots that still need a bit of attention. Plus it is all in strict exam conditions - so you will see what it will actually be like on the day. Exam-like simulation with skilled examiners: Get dedicated and expert assistance! In the CASC mock exam, you will do 8 stations in the morning and 8 stations in the afternoon under strict exam conditions with professional role players (total of 16 stations). At the end of the exam you will be receiving written feedback forms completed by the examiners with tips on how to improve for all stations. Complimentary lunch will be provided. Highly recommended for people who would like to seek real examination experience before the actual exam.
CASC champion course
is a more intimate course, with fewer candidates and therefore closer tuition and personal attention to detail. If you feel you require extra support and more intense attention then you might prefer the champion course instead. We will provide intense coaching for 2 days (Small group of maximum 5 participants) concentrating on exam stations (65 stations). The Main focus is on improving communication skills. It is an interactive course with extensive feedback from experienced trainers & professional role players and question time for candidates to clarify doubts. The aim is to identify strengths & encourage them, identify area of concern and help to rectify them. Additional features include free access to CASC online materials and CASC videos for 4 months; highly recommended for people needing extra support to pass CASC exams.
CASC Smart revise notes
comprises of 24 modules, covering more than 160 stations from different areas of psychiatry. It aims to cover most of the CASC stations that have appeared since the inception of CASC exams in 2008 including all management stations. Each chapter consists of CASC stations with instructions to candidates, written feedback forms & expanded construct and comprehensive study materials.
CASC Videos
comprise of 86 exam stations performed by consultants and professional role players under strict examination conditions (for a total of 950 minutes of video footage). It also features advice and valuable tips from examiners after each task. 6 months access to videos with multiple viewing opportunities are available; Physical examination stations are included.
“Crack the CASC” with role player
is a special course introduced for trainees to give them an opportunity to practise exam stations with professional role players. You will be able to practise 25 stations on a single day through skype or other videoconferencing tools.
ST4 Online
course is an essential revision tool for anyone attending the ST4 interviews. It has videos performed by examiners simulating real interview situations, podcasts offering valuable interview tips and an interview preparation guide.
ST4 Mock interview
is an interview practice based on the most recent format of national higher specialist training selection in psychiatry. It is highly recommended for people who would like to seek real ST4 interview experience. The stations covered include Portfolio station, Audit and Leadership, Communication stations (Specialty specific).
BST clinical exam
course is a one-day course to assist preparation for the Irish Basic Specialist Training clinical exam. This is the only revision course tailored for BST exams. Both 'Clinical Formulation and Management Examination'(CFMEs) and OSCE training are available.
To see the course dates and check for availability of places before booking please go to
Course Schedule
Clinical Packages
CASC Classroom
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CASC Weekend course (Face to Face) - 23 & 24 Nov 2024 (£ 840)
CASC Online
Select Package
CASC Videos (£ 180)
CASC Smart Revise Notes (£ 120)
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